Business-Solutions Brands Need To Rethink Their Marketing Priorities

Eric V. Holtzclaw
2 min readOct 15, 2023

Something so many business-solutions brands get wrong — establishing marketing priorities.

It’s so very easy to, in this “reality of alternatives,” try to do everything you see everyone else doing — but, in doing so, you really end up not doing much of anything.

Here, less is more — the more directed your efforts, the more effective they will be.

To do this — to determine what your “direction” should be — you have to take a step back and really come to understand those you’re wanting to reach — your audience.

So — talk with them — constantly — and not — at all — about yourself, but about them.

  • Why’d they first enter the market for a solution like yours? (What was the problem they wanted to solve — and why? What results did they want to achieve — for the brand, and for themselves?)
  • What questions did they have when they first entered the market for a solution? (Were they able to find satisfactory answers? If so — where from?)
  • What’s the process for purchasing a solution like yours? (Who’s involved? What questions do they usually have? What do they want to see?)
  • What sort of information do they find most useful when evaluating a solution like yours?

With this, be sure to ask questions about how they find information — not just about solutions like yours, but about their work itself.

  • What “new media” publications do they pay attention to? — and why?
  • If they’re on social media — and they probably are — what “thought leaders” do they pay attention to? — and why? When are they — if they had to guess — on social?
  • What — if any — newsletters do they subscribe to? — and why? Which do they actually consume?
  • What — again, if any — podcasts do they follow? — and, again, why?

You want to, using this information, ensure you’re where they are, talking about the things they want to hear about, doing so in a way they resonate with.

This, right here, should be your priority.



  • Use artificial intelligence as a “discovery engine,” allowing you to create collections — think playlists — for different subjects, add research papers to each, add notes to them, and visualize their citation relationships with other papers, helping you to find other papers with related content:

Originally published at

